PIONEER. EXPLORER. DISCOVERER. Zino Davidoff was all that and more. Henke Kelner a Davidoff visionary internationally recognized in the field of cigar today embodies the same bold spirit. His relentless pursuit of tastes, experiences and inedited pleasures to offer to cigar lovers led him and his team of experts to the region of Yamasá. A rude and inhospitable region where others had tried unsuccessfully to
grow tobacco and which eventually produced plants with an intensity and an incredible complexity.
All claimed that it was not possible. Henke was convinced otherwise. For 20 years, he continued his quest, whose success proved by the discovery of flavors and aromas of an intensity and complexity unknown to date. Davidoff Yamasá is now ready to be unveiled.
"The very nature of Davidoff Yamasá could not be better expressed than through the words of Bernard Shaw: "Some men see things as they are and wonder why. I dream things as they should be and say, why not? "The cigar Davidoff Yamasá was created thanks to men like Henke Kelner and his team, who defied the impossible and were able to fulfill their dreams by building on their extensive expertise and perseverance. A Yamasá a cigar burns with the same determination of the pioneer and the aficionado who tastes it, with a flame that lights unexplored dreams. The stimulation taste buds accompanied by a feeling of joy aroused by combining this mixture of earthy tobacco Yamasá spicy flavors and sweet Nicaraguan tobaccos Estelí and Condega, "said Charles Awad, Senior Vice President of Global Marketing & Innovation at
Oettinger Davidoff AG.
Davidoff Yamasá begins on an immediately perceptible flavor of spicy Nicaraguan tobacco. Nice nutty notes, combined with spicy aromas, coffee,cedar wood, earthy notes and black pepper nurture the enchantment of the tastebuds of the aficionados. The deep and complex body of the cigar is slowly revealed through his Dominican tobacco elegantly aged.
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